Welcome to MCML Group
The Multimedia Computing and Machine Learning (MCML) Group at School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University, Korea is led by Prof. Jong-Seok Lee.

Human-Centered Multimedia Computing

The amount of multimedia data (including images, videos, music, speech, etc.) has been exploding around us. Since multimedia data are ultimately consumed by human users, how to process and manage such data in the viewpoint of humans is an important research issue. Toward human-centered multimedia services, we work on developing multimedia processing technologies based on human perceptual mechanisms, including perceptual quality evaluation, image/video analysis, content recommendation, image/video enhancement, mobile video transmission, etc.

Human-Like Machine Learning

Implementation of multimedia processing techniques often requires human-like computing. In particular, we conduct research on machine learning, which mimics humans' capability of learning generalized knowledge from examples. Topics include neural networks, deep learning, multimodal data learning, bio-inspired stochastic optimization, etc.

Aug. 2024 Prof. Lee published a book "인공지능 이해를 위한 수학(Math for understanding AI)"
Aug. 2024 Keynote talk at Anomaly Detection with Foundation Models Workshop, IJCAI 2024
Jul. 2024 Paper accepted in ECCV 2024
Jun. 2024 Prof. Lee serves IEEE Trans. Multimedia as an Associate Editor
Feb. 2024 Paper accepted in CVPR 2024
Dec. 2023 Paper accepted in AAAI 2024
Nov. 2023 Paper accepted in IEEE Access
Oct. 2023 Paper accepted in WACV 2024
Paper accepted in Neural Networks
Jul. 2023 Paper accepted in ICONIP 2023
Jun. 2023 Paper accepted in ICIP 2023
2 papers accepted in SMC 2023
Feb. 2023 Paper accepted in CVPR 2023
Paper accepted in ICASSP 2023
Nov. 2022 Paper accepted in AAAI 2023
Sep. 2022 Paper accepted in ACCV 2022
Aug. 2022 Paper accepted in MMSP 2022
Jul. 2022 Paper accepted in ECCV 2022
Paper accepted in SMC 2022
Paper accepted in Neurocomputing
Jun. 2022 Paper accepted in IEEE Access
Mar. 2022 Paper accepted in ICPR 2022
Paper accepted in CVPR 2022
Jan. 2022 Paper accepted in Optics Express
Nov. 2021 Paper accepted in IEEE Trans. Affective Computing
Aug. 2021 Paper accepted in SMC 2021
Jul. 2021 Paper accepted in ICCV 2021
Mar. 2021 Prof. Lee won the Distinguished Teaching Award 2020 from Yonsei University
Feb. 2021 2 papers accepted in IEEE Access
Jan. 2021 Paper accepted in IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Paper accepted in Signal Processing: Image Communication
Nov. 2020 Jun-Hyuk Kim won the Certificate of Merit from Yonsei University
Prof. Lee got elected as a member of the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Oct. 2020 Paper accepted in IEEE Trans. Multimedia
Sep. 2020 Paper accepted in ACCV 2020
4 papers accepted in ICCE-Asia 2020
Aug. 2020 Paper accepted in Neural Networks
Jul. 2020 Paper accepted in ACM MM 2020
May 2020 Paper accepted in Scientific Reports
Apr. 2020 Paper accepted in EMBC 2020
Mar. 2020 Paper accepted in Neurocomputing
Feb. 2020 Prof. Lee serves as TPC Co-Chair of NOSSDAV 2020.
Jan. 2020 2 papers accepted in ECAI 2020
2 papers accepted in ICASSP 2020
Paper accepted in IUI 2020
Sep. 2019 We won the 2nd place in Sussex-Huawei Locomotion-Transportation Recognition Challenge at Ubicomp/ISWC 2019
Aug. 2019 Paper accepted in IEEE Access
Jul. 2019 Paper accepted in ICCV 2019
Paper accepted in Neurocomputing
Paper accepted in HASCA at UbiComp 2019
May 2019. Jun-Ho Choi won the Best Paper Award from Yonsei University.
Prof. Lee won the Distinguished Research Achievement Award 2018 from Yonsei University.
Apr. 2019. Jun-Ho Choi won the Minister's Award from the Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea.
Mar. 2019. Paper accepted in IJCNN 2019
Feb. 2019. Paper accepted in IEEE Trans. Affective Computing
Paper accepted in Information Fusion
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